
Jan 29, 2022

Roar! Tiger Origami Red Packet

It is that time of the year again! 2022 is the Chinese New Year of the Tiger!

With Chinese New Year quickly approaching, here’s an easy red packet craft that will make your celebration a roaring good times.

We usually give money in red envelopes for prosperity and good luck during the lunar new year festival. Make your own red envelopes this year.

Origami is a good option since the only material you need is a piece of paper. This easy origami tiger red packet is fun, colorful, and easy for kids to learn and try too.

Make your very own origami tiger red packet with these simple step by step instructions.

You'll need:

  1. Square orange color paper

  2. Black or brown pen for tiger stripes.

  3. Glue or double-sided tape (optional)


1. Start with a square sheet of paper diagonally, fold in half to make a crease and fold back.

2. Fold the square paper in half, then fold the top corner down to the bottom corner along the center line to form a diamond shape.

3. Fold the bottom corner of the upper layer up. You should see both left and right edge of the upper layer are parallel to the center line.

4. Fold both left and right corners to the middle. You can slot into the corners into the "ear" or glue it.

5. Fold the top corner down and turn over.

6. Fold the bottom corner of the upper layer up, then fold the top corner of the upper layer down to make tiger’s nose.

7. Use the black marker to draw a face and tiger stripes.

8. To insert the note, simply open up the tiger "mouth".

9. Fold the note into half and insert into the tiger "mouth", the fold it back. You can use glue or double sided tape to secure the opening.

And "Ta-Da"!

The origami tiger red packet is done and ready for the lunar new year.


  • The paper size we used here is 20cm x 20cm and fits $10 Singapore dollar note after folded. 20cm x 20cm square paper can be cut from a a piece of A4 size paper.

  • You can use a piece of A5 size paper to cut into 14.85cm x 14.85cm, which will fits a $2 Singapore dollar note after folded.

  • You can also use glue or double-sided tape to secure the opening "tiger mouth" after inserting the notes.

  • Try yellow and gold color papers too!

Here's a quick guide:

Get ready to celebrate the Chinese New Year with this Tiger Origami red packet craft that's sure to inspire you and impress your receivers!

Have A Roaring Good Time!
